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Gwent Closed 2023 Posledná aktualizácia 14.05.2023 18:56:20, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | Varley, Peter | | WLS | 2232 |
2 | | Lavender, James | | WLS | 2092 |
3 | | Gilbert, Jonathan | | WLS | 2034 |
4 | | Saunders, Nigel | | WLS | 1960 |
5 | | Turner, Dave | | WLS | 1954 |
6 | | Williams, Steve (Cwm) | | WLS | 1694 |
7 | | Dixon, Chris | | WLS | 1687 |
8 | | Hurn, Bob | | WLS | 1626 |
9 | | Williams, Ron | | WLS | 1541 |
10 | | Norris, David | | WLS | 1484 |
11 | | Smith, Phil | | WLS | 1473 |
12 | | Emblem, Mark | | WLS | 1371 |
13 | | Holland, Lyn | | WLS | 1260 |
14 | | Sadler, Jake | | WLS | 1212 |
15 | | Colcombe, Joshua | | WLS | 1200 |
16 | | Head, Elliott | | WLS | 1168 |
17 | | Dark, Jonathan | | WLS | 0 |