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Gwent Closed 2023

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony14.05.2023 18:56:20, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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1Varley, PeterWLS2232
2Lavender, JamesWLS2092
3Gilbert, JonathanWLS2034
4Saunders, NigelWLS1960
5Turner, DaveWLS1954
6Williams, Steve (Cwm)WLS1694
7Dixon, ChrisWLS1687
8Hurn, BobWLS1626
9Williams, RonWLS1541
10Norris, DavidWLS1484
11Smith, PhilWLS1473
12Emblem, MarkWLS1371
13Holland, LynWLS1260
14Sadler, JakeWLS1212
15Colcombe, JoshuaWLS1200
16Head, ElliottWLS1168
17Dark, JonathanWLS0