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Durham County Major

Last update 14.05.2023 19:41:03, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 1)

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Starting rank

1Slinger, Aj (Tony)422681ENG1901
2AFMRoyle, Alex494143ENG1899K
3Towers, Brian2808617ISR1890
4Donahue, Randolph E464368ENG1858K
5Cawston, M John434000ENG1852
6Skelsey, Stuart459178ENG1826K
7Jones, Neil T430099ENG1824K
8Clegg, Robert425150ENG1823
9Sams, JonathanENG1822
10Ormerod, Stephen450227ENG1809
11Taylor, Mark422495ENG1807
12Fruchtenicht, EggertENG1795K
13Brockes, Jeremy P458503ENG1794
14Siu, Kam Wa6008860HKG1794K
15Wilson, GrahamENG1793
16Aitchison, A Keith2403072SCO1792
17Dean, Robert A422860ENG1789K
18O'Gorman, Brendan419214ENG1789
19Tomlinson, Zak481602ENG1781
20Greatorex, Roger420131ENG1776
21Hall, David G2402394SCO1768
22Webb, Nicholas2517302IRL1760K
23Roe, Stephen J JnrENG1739
24Pitel, Benedikt496413ENG1726K
25Sharkey, Gary343403441ENG1726K
26Leigh, Dominic428310ENG1720K
27Chester, Ian B343414117ENG1719K
28Marsh, John S471488ENG1715
29Salisbury, Paul450243ENG1715
30Snook-Lumb, Chris438766ENG0
31Parker, RoyceENG1713
32Meredith, Daniel343403263ENG1710
33Holroyd-Doveton, Nathaniel461938ENG1703K
34Pearce, Neville R428388ENG1697
35Patterson, Dave448036ENG1688
36Johnstone-French, Morgan466565ENG1679K
37Baumanis, Kristaps11602147LAT1675
38Walshaw, David422967ENG1673
39Tyson, TerryENG1664
40Hudson, Jeremy434345ENG1656
41Walkowiak, Adam2405806SCO1655
42Greig, SamuelENG1654
43Kalyviotis, Alexandros4289226GRE1639
44Jefferies, Steve HENG1615K
45Stipanovic, AntonioENG1607
46Allen, Michael Ei471453ENG1593
47Bowler, TimENG1591K
48Creaney, Michael JENG1585
49Sasikumar, Srivathsan343401279ENG1539
50Holmes, Stephen343403220ENG1278
51Riding, Mick D430102ENG0