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Final Nacional Ajedrez Rapido Intercolegiado Juvenil Femenino

Last update 21.05.2023 18:58:22, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Suarez Ardila, Luisa Maria4452216MET1758Meta
2Valencia Quinchia, Isabella4496302ANT1496Antioquia
3Agudelo Zapata, Yarli Alejandra4458222QUI1445Quindío
4Largo Chaparro, Sofia Alejandra4440803BOY1443Boyacá
5Betancur Florez, Daniela4496124RIS1406Risaralda
6Remolina Garcia, Mayra Xiomara144420242SAN1381Santander
7Medina Baquiro, Paula Andrea4484568TOL1330Tolima
8Ospino Ruiz, Maria Jose144404360SUC1325Sucre
9Luna Velandia, Karol Daniela4456360CUN1236Cundinamarca
10Galindez Guerrero, Tania Isabela4460839HUI1212Huila
11Herrera Idarraga, Karen Alejandra144408170BOG1149Bogotá D.C.
12Rosero Yepez, Laura Daniela144401450NAR1131Nariño
13Palacios Trochez, Daisury144421699CHO1067Choco
14Alvarez Fuentes, Lina Fernanda144407149ARA0Arauca
15Duran Marquez, Anny Gabriela144424183AMA0Amazonas
16Estrada Diaz, Laura Andrea144400721VAL0Valle
17Garces Rivera, Juliana Andrea144424191CAL0Caldas
18Lozano Madrid, Ana Camila144407327COR0Córdoba
19Manjarres Baena, Valery Tatiana144417063MAG0Magdalena
20Rivera Burgos, Aura Daniela144404379CAS0Casanare
21Rojas Jumbo, Andrea Lizbeth144407220PUT0Putumayo
22Santander Rada, Angely4451244ATL0Atlántico
23Santanilla Puentes, Natalia144407394CAQ0Caquetá
24Sierra Daza, Sarai144407408GUA0La Guajira