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Přebor ZŠ TGM v Lomnici nad Popelkou 2023-1

Last update 10.05.2023 12:51:12, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
111Sucharda, ŠimonCZE06,529025,5
212Váňa, MichalCZE0627,5024,5
313Vodnárek, David NicolasCZE0428,5026,5
44Kozáková, KateřinaCZE0428025
55Maryško, MatějCZE0427026
610Spanilý, TeodorCZE0422021
77Racsko, MartinCZE03,531028
814Žoldoš, MiroslavCZE03,528,5027,5
96Otta, JakubCZE03,518,5017,5
101Dvořák, ŠtěpánCZE0321,5020,5
119Plichta, JiříCZE0321,5020,5
122Hubert, PetrCZE0219,5018,5
133Ježková, SabinaCZE0120,5019,5
148Petrová, StelaCZE0120019

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)