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Beginnerstoernooi 2023 Stap 2

Seinast dagført08.05.2023 16:19:06, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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1Bacha, Dhiradj JaydenSUR0
2Berkleef, EthanSUR0
3Bridjlal, AyushSUR0
4Budel, JaychanoSUR0
5Chotkan, RithvikSUR0
6Dalfour, ZephanSUR0
7Danoe, NathanSUR0
8Emanuels, Hanna-ChristaSUR0
9Emanuels, JustinSUR0
10Gezius, IsaiSUR0
11Jhingur, NealSUR0
12Jp Vai Ching, SethSUR0
13Kanhai, SudikshaSUR0
14Kasnawi, AbigailSUR0
15Kasnawi, RaphaelSUR0
16Kewalapat, IshitaSUR0
17Kewalapat, YashSUR0
18Lowe, ShillemSUR0
19Modiwirijo, KeshawnSUR0
20Omapersad, ArushSUR0
21Pernosoekotjo, CefarSUR0
22Ramsaran, VeerSUR0
23Raphael, ElliotSUR0
24Sheomber, AbhirushSUR0
25Surajbali, ShayanSUR0
26Takora, EmanuelSUR0
27Tawiredjo, RyhanSUR0
28Tjon Hing, NathanSUR0
29Voorburg, RishiSUR0
30Vreden, StefanusSUR0
31Waterberg, ZhareSUR0
32Zeng, JaydonSUR0
33Gajadien, VashistSUR0