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June U10 U8 Վերջին արդիացում08.05.2023 13:08:14, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Ribbegren, Kimberly | 5401550 | MNC | 1190 |
2 | | Malkin, Herman | 5401593 | MNC | 1110 |
3 | | Lea, Melissa | 652058930 | MNC | 1104 |
4 | | Ignatov, Andrii | 5401798 | MNC | 930 |
5 | | Bakaldin, Egor | 5402000 | MNC | 799 |
6 | | Belchanskij, Mark | 5401852 | MNC | 799 |
7 | | Bitsoev, Ibragim | 5402093 | MNC | 799 |
8 | | Dekman, Denis James | 5402042 | MNC | 799 |
9 | | Grivko, Michael | 5402166 | MNC | 799 |
10 | | Ignatova, Zoya | 5401801 | MNC | 799 |
11 | | Illi, Aaron | 5402069 | MNC | 799 |
12 | | Lukovnikov, Matvey | 5401585 | MNC | 799 |
13 | | Lukovnikov, Vladimir | 5402123 | MNC | 799 |
14 | | Matrosov, Renat | 5402174 | MNC | 799 |
15 | | Reiss, Oscar | 5401194 | MNC | 799 |
16 | | Reiss, Roman | 5401259 | MNC | 799 |
17 | | Sithamparapillai, Harry Haran | 5402077 | MNC | 799 |
18 | | Subkhanberdin, Michelle | 5401429 | MNC | 799 |
19 | | Taftali, Simeon | 5401569 | MNC | 799 |
20 | | Vdovychenko, Maria | 5402158 | MNC | 799 |
21 | | Versace, Daniel | 5401976 | MNC | 799 |