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June U12 U16 Վերջին արդիացում08.05.2023 13:11:08, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | To, Nam Long | 551059266 | MNC | 1333 |
2 | | Stoyanov, Victor | 5401240 | MNC | 1240 |
3 | | Churchill, Lukas | 5401623 | MNC | 1226 |
4 | | Dzhedzhula, Daniel | 5402131 | MNC | 1199 |
5 | | Pugachev, Sergej | 5400880 | MNC | 1188 |
6 | | Kriuchkov, Nikita | 5401321 | MNC | 1187 |
7 | | Lopneva, Christina | 551072696 | FRA | 1152 |
8 | | Samorukov, Egor | 5401062 | MNC | 1143 |
9 | | Golubeva, Alina | 5401526 | MNC | 1097 |
10 | | Samorukov, Boris | 5401070 | MNC | 1071 |
11 | | Karpov, Gregory | 5401658 | MNC | 1026 |
12 | | Forgione, Alexander | 5401151 | MNC | 1000 |
13 | | Argi, William | 5402182 | MNC | 999 |
14 | | Bernasconi, Victor | 5401283 | MNC | 999 |
15 | | Korotenko, Artem | 5401720 | MNC | 999 |
16 | | Egorov, Arctic | 5401089 | MNC | 800 |
17 | | Caroli, Flora | 5401461 | MNC | 799 |
18 | | Strachnov, Mark | 5402018 | MNC | 799 |