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IRT Colima 2023 Categoria A

Last update 13.05.2023 06:12:39, Creator/Last Upload: IA Hugo Arroyo

Starting rank list of players

5Salles Filho, Antonio De P2134357BRA1792
3Becerra Sandoval, Osvaldo Nahum5191904MEX1768
2Briones Huerta, Cesar Adrian5196167MEX1647
4Salinas Cardenas, Rodrigo Salvador5180589MEX1622
1Plascencia Elizalde, Emmanuel Osw29612950MEX1611
6Dolores Rodriguez, Cristian Yael5180562MEX1580
9Sabugal Alducin, Armando5187427MEX1553
7Antonio Perez, Guillermo5178991MEX1549
8Chavez Ramirez, Pedro Joaquin5166896MEX1527
10Chavez Ramirez, Job5166888MEX1524