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Tournoi International pour Jeunes Championnat de Luxembourg U20 en Rapid Chess individuel - GROUP C

Posledná aktualizácia 07.05.2023 17:53:16, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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1Abouda, IbrahimLUX1000SCH
2Ahmed, FaresLUX1000NL EIDE
3Anghelescu, Teodor AndreiLUX1000NL BER
4Aydin, MehmetLUX1000NL STR
5Beauguitte, MarleyLUX1000NL EIDE
6Bourson, ThomasLUX1000NL
7Bouthors, LoïsLUX1000NL EIDE
8Busa, BhargavLUX1000NL EIDE
9Carrasco, TymoteuszLUX1000NL
10Danielyan, MaxLUX1000NL
11Danielyan, MeikelLUX1000NL
12Everarts, SimonLUX1000ETALLE
13Gurel, CelineLUX1000NL
14Hasi, RejanLUX1000NL BON
15Heck Paggen, AimyLUX1000ETALLE
16Heck Paggen, LouisLUX1000ETALLE
17Jaballi, YoussefLUX1000NL EIDE
18Lebedev, NikolaiLUX1000NL EIDE
19Mauel, SimonLUX1000NL
20Pavkov, MartinLUX1000NL EE
21Rakhmetov, NuraliLUX1000NL
22Roden, HasiLUX1000NL
23Lorenzo, NunesLUX1000NL
24Willers, TomLUX1000
25Sakhtnel, KevinLUX1000NL
26Mauel, SimonLUX0