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Self Reliance Nationale Dameskampioenschappen 2023

Senast uppdaterad12.06.2023 02:08:06, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

Lista över spelare

8WFMKaslan, Catherine8201390SUR1889
7WCMKaslan, Victoria8202230SUR1523
6WCMKaslan, Alexandra8201340SUR1452
10Wijnhard, Joelle14327627SUR1294
1Wijnhard, Trinity8204110SUR1290
2Creebsburg, Shefali8203857SUR1138
4Fung, Xue-wen8205361SUR0
9Tjong Tjin Joe, Maylee8202699SUR0
3Wongsoredjo, Mary-Lou8205426SUR0
5Wu, Elise8205760SUR0