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Darrera actualització23.06.2023 04:36:02, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Education license (until 31.12.2021)

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Rànquing inicial

1FMDe Mey, Juan Pablo15900312ARU1962
2AFMStetsenko, Ilya15900762ARU1795
3CMPesqueira, Jose15900037ARU1751
4CMCroes, Octavio1007220ARU1722
5Franken, Angelo15900738ARU1595
6Moreno Mora, Milaydes Lourdes3910512ARU1490
7Diaz Maguina, Daniel Eugenio15900878ARU1411
8Sagastegui, Thamara15900770ARU1365
9Cielo, Lesley15900932ARU1267
10Sharma, MohitARU1239
11Sifontes, AlexanderARU1165
12Figaroa, Maurice AdriëlARU1158
13van Dijk, MatthiasARU1154
14Palm, KevinARU1148
15Cabral, Sylvi15900924ARU1137
16Rodriguez, Juan AndresARU1026
17Koolman, Colin Kyle DenielARU757
18Mendoza Chourio, WigniferARU1200