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London FIDE Rapidplay -U1500 202306

Last update 03.06.2023 19:22:50, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1ACMStrugar, Ioan42201381ROU1341
2Bogerd, Ethan343407323ENG1280
3Niels, Gunnar343403786ENG1256
4Simms, Geoffrey R430951ENG1255
5Cleanis, Theo499226ENG1249
6Protopopov, Pavel343416969ENG1209
7Niels Gervasio, Leandro343421385ENG1207
8Belay, Mikael343426603ENG1175
9Bryant, Amelie497380ENG1072
10Belay, Alexander343426719ENG0
11Dean, Eskander343415172ENG0
12Khetan, Siddhant33441073IND0
13Kilambi, Aahna343401082ENG0
14Kota, Ashwath Kumar343420575ENG0
15Kota, Pavan Kumar343427693ENG0
16Leung, Cheuk Kiu6007791HKG0
17Lu, Duola343428193ENG0
18Mathompat, Rajyeshwar Ramesh33323852IND0
19Misakyan, David343414206ENG0
20O'neill, Lila343402933ENG0
21Puri, Rian343419240ENG0
22Ray, Rishi33460647IND0
23Tao, Max343427723ENG0
24van Zyl, Theo343429424ENG0