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London FIDE Rapidplay - Open 202306

Last update 03.06.2023 19:24:18, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Buyandalai, Tumen4901916MGL2104
2Prasath, Malola Ts5017033IND1955
3Viswanath, Ganesh3205738AUS1905
4Badacsonyi, Stanley486973ENG1892
5Hazlehurst, Cory S470384ENG1786
6Li, Ethan464074ENG1767
7Ignatovic, Ernest12806986LTU1755
8Mozaffari, Mohammad Hossein22592571IRI1709
9Bryant, Harry489158ENG1641
10Takvorian, Sebouh430960ENG1557
11Burnton, Joshua343401317ENG1554
12Li, Lucian343406475ENG1355
13Wilde, Grace343401139ENG1306w
14Musgrave, Lewis343409717ENG1263
15Kilambi, Venkata Ananth Akshay489395ENG1227