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World Junior Chess Championship 2012 Girls Under 20

Last update 15.08.2012 15:10:34, Creator/Last Upload: middlewave

Player overview for MNE

85Potpara Nikola2201MNE1½0011001101½744Boys (Open)
10WGMVojinovic Jovana2337MNE11½½1½01½½1007,515Girls

Results of the last round for MNE

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
132985Potpara Nikola2201 ½ - ½ FMGemy Jose Daniel234556
13710WGMVojinovic Jovana2337 0 - 1 WIMSihite Chelsie Monica216223

Player details for MNE

Potpara Nikola 2201 MNE Rp:2403 Pts. 7
120IMKanarek Marcel2487POL8w 1
229IMAntipov Mikhail Al2462RUS8,5w ½
33GMZherebukh Yaroslav2629UKR9s 0
442IMFirat Burak2423TUR6,5s 0
5128Zervos Lazaros1799GRE4w 1
658FMMalikentzos Sotirios2337GRE7s 1
744FMGhosh Diptayan2417IND7w 0
854FMAggelis Nikolaos2352GRE6s 0
936IMKrysa Leandro2438ARG5,5w 1
1053FMDe Filomeno Simone2358ITA6,5s 1
1116IMRombaldoni Axel2494ITA6,5w 0
1263Ivekovic Zvonimir2320CRO5,5s 1
1356FMGemy Jose Daniel2345BOL7w ½
WGM Vojinovic Jovana 2337 MNE Rp:2307 Pts. 7,5
143WFMFrey Alisa2035GER5,5s 1
231WFMDe Seroux Camille2101SUI7,5w 1
33WGMKashlinskaya Alina2391RUS7s ½
45WIMArabidze Meri2379GEO9w ½
522Iordanidou Zoi2166GRE6s 1
61IMBodnaruk Anastasia2414RUS9,5w ½
72WGMCori T Deysi2413PER8,5s 0
817WIMRodriguez Rueda Paula Andrea2196COL8w 1
924WIMKulkarni Bhakti2159IND8s ½
109WGMZiaziulkina Nastassia2342BLR9,5w ½
1127WIMSemenova Elena2134RUS7s 1
127WGMGuo Qi2358CHN9,5w 0
1323WIMSihite Chelsie Monica2162INA8,5w 0