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World Junior Chess Championship 2012 Girls Under 20

Last update 15.08.2012 15:10:34, Creator/Last Upload: middlewave

Player overview for HUN

4GMRapport Richard2605HUN101111½111½½½102Boys (Open)
30IMMihok Oliver2456HUN½1½10001½10117,538Boys (Open)
19WIMVarga Klara2181HUN101½½110101½07,517Girls

Results of the last round for HUN

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
1311GMDing Liren26959 ½ - ½ GMRapport Richard26054
132480FMAravindh Chithambaram Vr2240 0 - 1 IMMihok Oliver245630
13619WIMVarga Klara2181 0 - 18 WIMArabidze Meri23795

Player details for HUN

GM Rapport Richard 2605 HUN Rp:2698 Pts. 10
169IMBrown Andrew2296AUS6,5s 1
243FMWei Yi2418CHN8,5w 0
370Torres Juan Camilo2291COL6,5s 1
473FMKigel Dmytro2276UKR7w 1
525IMUrkedal Frode2473NOR7,5s 1
619GMCori Jorge2487PER8w 1
76GMIpatov Alexander2577TUR10s ½
829IMAntipov Mikhail Al2462RUS8,5w 1
92GMYu Yangyi2635CHN9w 1
105GMShimanov Aleksandr2596RUS8,5s 1
119GMGrandelius Nils2562SWE9,5w ½
127GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2567ARM9s ½
131GMDing Liren2695CHN9,5s ½
IM Mihok Oliver 2456 HUN Rp:2322 Pts. 7,5
195Nadirashvili Shalva2151GEO6s ½
281Sodikov Ilyas2234KAZ7,5w 1
351FMSoors Stef2364BEL7,5s ½
487Aghayev Miragha2187ITA5,5w 1
513IMGrigoryan Karen H2529ARM7s 0
699Lapidus Mark2129EST7,5w 0
773FMKigel Dmytro2276UKR7s 0
876Podolsky Anton2246UKR6w 1
963Ivekovic Zvonimir2320CRO5,5s ½
1069IMBrown Andrew2296AUS6,5w 1
1165FMCodenotti Marco2314ITA7s 0
1293Ladva Ottomar2153EST7w 1
1380FMAravindh Chithambaram Vr2240IND6,5s 1
WIM Varga Klara 2181 HUN Rp:2253 Pts. 7,5
152Messam-Sparks Lateefah1947ENG5w 1
21IMBodnaruk Anastasia2414RUS9,5w 0
336Edes Zsofia2081SVK6s 1
432Batkovskyte Dominyka2096LTU6,5s ½
535Ibrahimova Sabina2091AZE7,5w ½
631WFMDe Seroux Camille2101SUI7,5w 1
713Klek Hanna-Marie2248GER6,5s 1
86WGMGoryachkina Aleksandra2361RUS8s 0
928WGMMona Khaled2121EGY7w 1
104WIMBulmaga Irina2380ROU8,5s 0
1120WFMPetrova Irina2173UKR6,5w 1
1223WIMSihite Chelsie Monica2162INA8,5s ½
135WIMArabidze Meri2379GEO9w 0