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World Junior Chess Championship 2012 Girls Under 20

Last update 15.08.2012 15:10:34, Creator/Last Upload: middlewave

Player overview for EGY

60IMWageih Kareim2332EGY1001½1010001½687Boys (Open)
28WGMMona Khaled2121EGY1011010101010721Girls

Results of the last round for EGY

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
134195Nadirashvili Shalva2151 ½ - ½ IMWageih Kareim233260
1396WGMGoryachkina Aleksandra23617 1 - 07 WGMMona Khaled212128

Player details for EGY

IM Wageih Kareim 2332 EGY Rp:2152 Pts. 6
1125Hatzoudis Gerasimos1843GRE2,5s 1
225IMUrkedal Frode2473NOR7,5w 0
387Aghayev Miragha2187ITA5,5s 0
493Ladva Ottomar2153EST7w 1
5111CMMuhammad Luthfi Ali2078INA5s ½
6106Caetano Hugo Zanotti Mendonca2109BRA4,5w 1
723IMShyam Nikil P2484IND8s 0
8112Nishant Malhotra2076IND5,5w 1
940IMBluebaum Matthias2424GER8s 0
10103Arat Ufuk Sezen2124TUR6,5w 0
1181Sodikov Ilyas2234KAZ7,5s 0
12118Kalogridakis Georgios2017GRE5,5w 1
1395Nadirashvili Shalva2151GEO6s ½
WGM Mona Khaled 2121 EGY Rp:2198 Pts. 7
161Forsa Elise1836NOR5,5s 1
29WGMZiaziulkina Nastassia2342BLR9,5w 0
359Serefidou Despina1865GRE5,5s 1
411WIMSchut Lisa2305NED7w 1
517WIMRodriguez Rueda Paula Andrea2196COL8w 0
616WIMAbdulla Khayala2217AZE8,5s 1
78Wang Jue2355CHN8,5w 0
813Klek Hanna-Marie2248GER6,5s 1
919WIMVarga Klara2181HUN7,5s 0
1051Nonkovic Bogdana1950SRB5,5w 1
1121WFMOsmak Iulija2171UKR8s 0
1222Iordanidou Zoi2166GRE6w 1
136WGMGoryachkina Aleksandra2361RUS8s 0