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World Junior Chess Championship 2012 Girls Under 20

Last update 15.08.2012 15:10:34, Creator/Last Upload: middlewave

Player overview for COL

46FMRios Cristhian Camilo2398COL011½0½0½0½½½1688Boys (Open)
70Torres Juan Camilo2291COL01010101½01016,564Boys (Open)
71FMHernandez Sanchez Jairo Andres2288COL001½1½½10½1½17,536Boys (Open)
17WIMRodriguez Rueda Paula Andrea2196COL1½011100101½1813Girls
25WCMOrozco Lina Yomayra2150COL10101001½101½726Girls

Results of the last round for COL

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
132533IMDebashis Das2446 0 - 1 FMHernandez Sanchez Jairo Andres228871
134470Torres Juan Camilo2291 1 - 0 Zeppos Panagiotis1978120
134646FMRios Cristhian Camilo23985 1 - 05 Larmuseau Michiel215492
131117WIMRodriguez Rueda Paula Andrea21967 1 - 07 WIMAbdumalik Zhansaya219318
131325WCMOrozco Lina Yomayra2150 ½ - ½ Manelidou Maria205640

Player details for COL

FM Rios Cristhian Camilo 2398 COL Rp:2159 Pts. 6
1111CMMuhammad Luthfi Ali2078INA5s 0
298Liodakis Konstantinos-Spyros2130GRE5,5w 1
382Gantar Jan2218SLO7s 1
415IMHolt Conrad2498USA8w ½
5112Nishant Malhotra2076IND5,5s 0
671FMHernandez Sanchez Jairo Andres2288COL7,5w ½
780FMAravindh Chithambaram Vr2240IND6,5s 0
878Larmuseau Maarten2245BEL6w ½
9101Papasimakopoulos Alexandros2126GRE5s 0
1090Koutoukidis Panagiotis2167GRE5w ½
1196Naoum Spyridon2146GRE5,5s ½
12109Vandevenne Sander2083BEL5w ½
1392Larmuseau Michiel2154BEL5w 1
Torres Juan Camilo 2291 COL Rp:2319 Pts. 6,5
15GMShimanov Aleksandr2596RUS8,5s 0
2107Kourkoulos-Arditis Stamatis2109GRE6,5w 1
34GMRapport Richard2605HUN10w 0
4110Vaicekauskas Gytis2079LTU6s 1
520IMKanarek Marcel2487POL8w 0
6102Yurtseven Melih2126TUR4,5s 1
716IMRombaldoni Axel2494ITA6,5w 0
8119Poulopoulos Ioannis2007GRE4,5s 1
948IMAnwesh Upadhyaya2374IND7w ½
1038IMZhou Yang-Fan2430ENG7s 0
1136IMKrysa Leandro2438ARG5,5w 1
1242IMFirat Burak2423TUR6,5s 0
13120Zeppos Panagiotis1978GRE5,5w 1
FM Hernandez Sanchez Jairo Andres 2288 COL Rp:2361 Pts. 7,5
16GMIpatov Alexander2577TUR10w 0
2112Nishant Malhotra2076IND5,5s 0
3115Haria Ravi2054ENG5,5w 1
4119Poulopoulos Ioannis2007GRE4,5s ½
597Zulfic Fedja2135AUS5w 1
646FMRios Cristhian Camilo2398COL6s ½
720IMKanarek Marcel2487POL8w ½
839IMValsecchi Alessio2427ITA7s 1
947IMMazur Stefan2394SVK7s 0
1051FMSoors Stef2364BEL7,5w ½
11101Papasimakopoulos Alexandros2126GRE5s 1
1227IMPavlidis Antonios2466GRE7w ½
1333IMDebashis Das2446IND6,5s 1
WIM Rodriguez Rueda Paula Andrea 2196 COL Rp:2249 Pts. 8
150Terzidaki Alexandra1958GRE4,5w 1
253WCMCemhan Kardelen1938TUR6,5s ½
36WGMGoryachkina Aleksandra2361RUS8w 0
434Galunova Tsveta2091BUL6,5w 1
528WGMMona Khaled2121EGY7s 1
632Batkovskyte Dominyka2096LTU6,5s 1
79WGMZiaziulkina Nastassia2342BLR9,5w 0
810WGMVojinovic Jovana2337MNE7,5s 0
940Manelidou Maria2056GRE7w 1
108Wang Jue2355CHN8,5s 0
1130WFMIvana Maria Furtado2102IND7w 1
1224WIMKulkarni Bhakti2159IND8s ½
1318WIMAbdumalik Zhansaya2193KAZ7w 1
WCM Orozco Lina Yomayra 2150 COL Rp:2100 Pts. 7
158Sena Moura Danielle1876BRA4,5w 1
24WIMBulmaga Irina2380ROU8,5s 0
344WCMNarva Triin2028EST7w 1
48Wang Jue2355CHN8,5s 0
546Unapkoshvili Nani2011GEO7w 1
611WIMSchut Lisa2305NED7w 0
751Nonkovic Bogdana1950SRB5,5s 0
852Messam-Sparks Lateefah1947ENG5s 1
959Serefidou Despina1865GRE5,5w ½
1049Ivekovic Ana1959CRO6s 1
1112WFMKulon Klaudia2259POL7,5w 0
1255WFMLiao Simone1933USA6s 1
1340Manelidou Maria2056GRE7w ½