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World Junior Chess Championship 2012 Girls Under 20

Last update 15.08.2012 15:10:34, Creator/Last Upload: middlewave

Player overview for BLR

22IMKovalev Vladislav2485BLR11100½11½0011823Boys (Open)
9WGMZiaziulkina Nastassia2342BLR111½½½110½1½19,52Girls
39Nevioselaya Maria2057BLR½01½101010½0½642Girls

Results of the last round for BLR

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
131565FMCodenotti Marco23147 0 - 17 IMKovalev Vladislav248522
1359WGMZiaziulkina Nastassia2342 1 - 0 WFMKulon Klaudia225912
132339Nevioselaya Maria2057 ½ - ½ WFMLiao Simone193355

Player details for BLR

IM Kovalev Vladislav 2485 BLR Rp:2465 Pts. 8
187Aghayev Miragha2187ITA5,5s 1
259FMGrandadam Nicolas2333SUI6w 1
3111CMMuhammad Luthfi Ali2078INA5s 1
45GMShimanov Aleksandr2596RUS8,5w 0
51GMDing Liren2695CHN9,5s 0
645Galopoulos Nikolaos2402GRE7,5s ½
754FMAggelis Nikolaos2352GRE6w 1
851FMSoors Stef2364BEL7,5w 1
913IMGrigoryan Karen H2529ARM7s ½
1029IMAntipov Mikhail Al2462RUS8,5w 0
1149IMBaghdasaryan Vahe2368ARM7s 0
1280FMAravindh Chithambaram Vr2240IND6,5w 1
1365FMCodenotti Marco2314ITA7s 1
WGM Ziaziulkina Nastassia 2342 BLR Rp:2470 Pts. 9,5
142Lefevre Margaux2043FRA6w 1
228WGMMona Khaled2121EGY7s 1
32WGMCori T Deysi2413PER8,5w 1
44WIMBulmaga Irina2380ROU8,5s ½
56WGMGoryachkina Aleksandra2361RUS8w ½
65WIMArabidze Meri2379GEO9s ½
717WIMRodriguez Rueda Paula Andrea2196COL8s 1
81IMBodnaruk Anastasia2414RUS9,5w 1
97WGMGuo Qi2358CHN9,5w 0
1010WGMVojinovic Jovana2337MNE7,5s ½
118Wang Jue2355CHN8,5w 1
1216WIMAbdulla Khayala2217AZE8,5s ½
1312WFMKulon Klaudia2259POL7,5w 1
Nevioselaya Maria 2057 BLR Rp:2041 Pts. 6
16WGMGoryachkina Aleksandra2361RUS8w ½
222Iordanidou Zoi2166GRE6s 0
360Medeiros Thauane Ferreira1855BRA5,5w 1
421WFMOsmak Iulija2171UKR8s ½
559Serefidou Despina1865GRE5,5w 1
624WIMKulkarni Bhakti2159IND8s 0
762Dominguez Gisella1831ARG6w 1
823WIMSihite Chelsie Monica2162INA8,5s 0
929WIMPon Nkrithika2119IND6,5w 1
1013Klek Hanna-Marie2248GER6,5s 0
1144WCMNarva Triin2028EST7w ½
1246Unapkoshvili Nani2011GEO7s 0
1355WFMLiao Simone1933USA6w ½