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World Junior Chess Championship 2012 Boys (Open) Under 20

Last update 30.09.2012 22:40:49, Creator: middlewave,Last Upload: Heinz Herzog

Player overview for SRB

24IMIndjic Aleksandar2481SRB110101011101198Boys (Open)
51Nonkovic Bogdana1950SRB10001110100½05,547Girls

Results of the last round for SRB

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
13724IMIndjic Aleksandar24818 1 - 08 IMGrover Sahaj251614
132051Nonkovic Bogdana1950 0 - 1 Galunova Tsveta209134

Player details for SRB

IM Indjic Aleksandar 2481 SRB Rp:2543 Pts. 9
189Edwards Jonathan2170SCO5,5s 1
261FMKleinman Michael2330CAN6w 1
32GMYu Yangyi2635CHN9w 0
454FMAggelis Nikolaos2352GRE6s 1
53GMZherebukh Yaroslav2629UKR9s 0
649IMBaghdasaryan Vahe2368ARM7w 1
799Lapidus Mark2129EST7,5s 0
863Ivekovic Zvonimir2320CRO5,5w 1
980FMAravindh Chithambaram Vr2240IND6,5s 1
1012GMHuschenbeth Niclas2532GER9w 1
116GMIpatov Alexander2577TUR10s 0
1240IMBluebaum Matthias2424GER8w 1
1314IMGrover Sahaj2516IND8w 1
Nonkovic Bogdana 1950 SRB Rp:2028 Pts. 5,5
118WIMAbdumalik Zhansaya2193KAZ7w 1
215WFMMedina Warda Aulia2218INA9,5w 0
331WFMDe Seroux Camille2101SUI7,5s 0
416WIMAbdulla Khayala2217AZE8,5s 0
565Tuzi Bruna1546ALB4w 1
638WFMKolaric Spela2071SLO6s 1
725WCMOrozco Lina Yomayra2150COL7w 1
827WIMSemenova Elena2134RUS7w 0
933Imeeva Aisa2095RUS5,5s 1
1028WGMMona Khaled2121EGY7s 0
1111WIMSchut Lisa2305NED7w 0
1259Serefidou Despina1865GRE5,5s ½
1334Galunova Tsveta2091BUL6,5w 0