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World Junior Chess Championship 2012 Boys (Open) Under 20

Last update 30.09.2012 22:40:49, Creator: middlewave,Last Upload: Heinz Herzog

Player overview for GER

12GMHuschenbeth Niclas2532GER11001½11½011199Boys (Open)
17IMHeimann Andreas2493GER101110½1½½½10824Boys (Open)
40IMBluebaum Matthias2424GER½1011½½011½01825Boys (Open)
13Klek Hanna-Marie2248GER1½½11000½10106,533Girls
43WFMFrey Alisa2035GER010100101½0105,553Girls

Results of the last round for GER

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
13619GMCori Jorge24878 0 - 18 GMHuschenbeth Niclas253212
13817IMHeimann Andreas24938 0 - 18 IMHansen Eric247226
132140IMBluebaum Matthias24247 1 - 07 FMGhosh Diptayan241744
131213Klek Hanna-Marie2248 0 - 1 WFMDe Seroux Camille210131
132543WFMFrey Alisa2035 0 - 1 Kalaydina Regina Veronicka192856

Player details for GER

GM Huschenbeth Niclas 2532 GER Rp:2546 Pts. 9
177Haarr Jon Kristian2245NOR5,5s 1
253FMDe Filomeno Simone2358ITA6,5w 1
331GMBaron Tal2451ISR8s 0
451FMSoors Stef2364BEL7,5w 0
567Arvola Benjamin2300NOR7s 1
639IMValsecchi Alessio2427ITA7w ½
755FMJacko Vladimir2349SVK6,5s 1
840IMBluebaum Matthias2424GER8w 1
933IMDebashis Das2446IND6,5w ½
1024IMIndjic Aleksandar2481SRB9s 0
1135IMGao Rui2442CHN8w 1
1218IMOparin Grigoriy2488RUS7,5w 1
1319GMCori Jorge2487PER8s 1
IM Heimann Andreas 2493 GER Rp:2467 Pts. 8
182Gantar Jan2218SLO7w 1
254FMAggelis Nikolaos2352GRE6s 0
374FMNuri Kambez2274SUI6w 1
450FMVelten Paul2366FRA6s 1
535IMGao Rui2442CHN8s 1
65GMShimanov Aleksandr2596RUS8,5w 0
740IMBluebaum Matthias2424GER8s ½
847IMMazur Stefan2394SVK7w 1
929IMAntipov Mikhail Al2462RUS8,5s ½
1099Lapidus Mark2129EST7,5w ½
1134FMSchreiner Peter2444AUT8s ½
1249IMBaghdasaryan Vahe2368ARM7w 1
1326IMHansen Eric2472CAN9w 0
IM Bluebaum Matthias 2424 GER Rp:2466 Pts. 8
1105Capone Nicola2120BEL4s ½
2103Arat Ufuk Sezen2124TUR6,5w 1
38GMVan Kampen Robin2565NED8,5w 0
488Michelakos Panagiotis2185GRE5,5s 1
596Naoum Spyridon2146GRE5,5w 1
614IMGrover Sahaj2516IND8s ½
717IMHeimann Andreas2493GER8w ½
812GMHuschenbeth Niclas2532GER9s 0
960IMWageih Kareim2332EGY6w 1
1010GMSalem A R Saleh2546UAE8s 1
1126IMHansen Eric2472CAN9w ½
1224IMIndjic Aleksandar2481SRB9s 0
1344FMGhosh Diptayan2417IND7w 1
Klek Hanna-Marie 2248 GER Rp:2109 Pts. 6,5
146Unapkoshvili Nani2011GEO7w 1
232Batkovskyte Dominyka2096LTU6,5s ½
353WCMCemhan Kardelen1938TUR6,5w ½
430WFMIvana Maria Furtado2102IND7s 1
58Wang Jue2355CHN8,5w 1
64WIMBulmaga Irina2380ROU8,5s 0
719WIMVarga Klara2181HUN7,5w 0
828WGMMona Khaled2121EGY7w 0
955WFMLiao Simone1933USA6s ½
1039Nevioselaya Maria2057BLR6w 1
1135Ibrahimova Sabina2091AZE7,5s 0
1241Sargsyan Shushanna2047ARM5,5s 1
1331WFMDe Seroux Camille2101SUI7,5w 0
WFM Frey Alisa 2035 GER Rp:1910 Pts. 5,5
110WGMVojinovic Jovana2337MNE7,5w 0
262Dominguez Gisella1831ARG6s 1
324WIMKulkarni Bhakti2159IND8w 0
465Tuzi Bruna1546ALB4s 1
516WIMAbdulla Khayala2217AZE8,5w 0
652Messam-Sparks Lateefah1947ENG5s 0
757Koutsogiannopoulou Theodora1897GRE4,5w 1
859Serefidou Despina1865GRE5,5s 0
960Medeiros Thauane Ferreira1855BRA5,5w 1
1029WIMPon Nkrithika2119IND6,5s ½
1155WFMLiao Simone1933USA6w 0
1254Vatkali Dimitra1936GRE4,5s 1
1356Kalaydina Regina Veronicka1928CAN6,5w 0