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2023 Mid Gauteng Open Tournament C

Last update 06.05.2023 16:17:53, Creator/Last Upload: Jacob Rachoene

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Starting rank

1Combrink, JacquesRSA1107
2Olivier, Jacobus GeorgeRSA1024
3Ngobeni, NjabuloRSA1010
4Louw, NovaRSA1005
5Naude, JohanRSA1000
6Nel, AndreaRSA958
7Combrink, Juan-LouisRSA948
8Matsioloko, OsegaRSA945
9Potgieter, AlbertRSA914
10Bhula, Shyam HiteshRSA911
11Letlhage, TlhomphoRSA898
12Matsiokolo, GodisangRSA898
13Wesinyane, TshireletsoRSA897
14Mahlangu, Nkosinathi PhilRSA896
15Prinsloo, NicholasRSA893
16Monare, OratilweRSA885
17Zunguzira, PraiseRSA883
18Prinsloo, AlexanderRSA877
19Shela, TshepoRSA870
20Burger, Izak UlrichRSA857
21De Jager, JandreRSA853
22Jonker, TertiusRSA837
23Kekana, NeoRSA810
24Ballim, SalifRSA0