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Orjan Lindroth Memorial Chess Tournament 2023 - U1700 Section

Last update 03.06.2023 23:12:02, Creator/Last Upload: andrewhite

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Starting rank list

1Mcdonald, Angelus-Seren7402597JAM1640
2Murdock, Christopher7403216JAM1613
3Lindo, Terence7400942JAM1572
4Stuart, Luke10400788BAH1561
5Pride, Curtis10401199BAH1525
6Barker, Shawn30963125BAH1499
7Bridgewater, Trevor10401334BAH1491
8Pride, Avian10401202BAH1467
9WCMJohnson, Daijah10400591BAH1448
10Thomas, Nelissa10400494BAH1430
11Skinner, Francis10400796BAH1423
12Stuart, Clive10400761BAH1374
13Pride, Chika10401601BAH1098
14Balani, Aarav10401806BAH0
15Collie, KadeshBAH0
16Deveaux, DylanBAH0
17Ferguson, Dorothea10401890BAH0
18Ferguson, Tadan10401598BAH0
19Hanchell, Lhale10401407BAH0
20Hanchell, Lheerin10401393BAH0
21Hanna, Nelson10401814BAH0
22Henfield, Valentino10401822BAH0
23Knowles, Terence10401830BAH0
24Knowles, WilliamBAH0
25Lalwani, Darsh10401849BAH0
26McDonald, TrinityBAH0
27Moxey, SethBAH0
28Pratt, Martian10401857BAH0
29Rattameister, MarkkusBAH0
30Roberts, Seth10401164BAH0
31Sweeting, Akaija10401903BAH0
32Turnquest, Caerwyn10401881BAH0
33Yallop, Milania10401865BAH0
34Zavhorodnii, Yehor Shvets10401873BAH0