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X Abierto Internacional Ayuntamiento de Mondariz

Last update 01.09.2012 13:31:14, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 315)

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Starting rank list

1Pinho PauloPOR2159
2Uran Bermudez Oliver KevinVEN2135
3Grigoriev IvanRUS2129
4Blanco Gutierrez PedroESP2128
5Gomez Dieguez DavidESP2123
6Silva Luis Neves DaPOR2115
7Haak EelcoNED2077
8Prata JosePOR2051
9Lopez Perez Alberto JoseESP1940
10Cabanas Rodriguez RoiESP1908
11Salgado Gonzalez JulioESP1852
12Gomez Dieguez AdrianESP1785
13Lorenzo Dieguez ManuelESP1679
14Yebra-Pimentel Brea CarlosESP1575
15Adrian Abad MiguelESP1566
16Garcia Ramil ManuelESP1458
17Del Noval Nemeshazi MarioESP0
18Del Noval Nemeshazi NesztorESP1499
19Lugilde Guerbek AlexanderESP0
20Torrallardona Raventos MarsialESP1695