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QCA Training Center-Tournament A-May 2023

Last update 04.05.2023 17:59:27, Creator/Last Upload: Qatar chess association (License 10)

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Starting rank

1Erfan, Mohamad Firdaus12102032QAT1510
2Sharma, Taksh366195007IND1466
3Yu, Leonard Dongchi30985927USA1204
4Al-Janahi, Ibrahim12102385QAT1193
5Banquerigo, Filjohn5259770PHI1178
6Hamdouchi, Adam9016520MAR1141
7Kerret, Mohammed11521740PLE1116
8Al-Mansouri, Fahad12102407QAT1038
9Aljamaat, Khaled12102415Qat0
10Omar, Abusamaha8125520JOR0
11Punchihewa, Rehan MSri0
12Zhang, Hanrui MCha0