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Spring Rapid 2023 - Novice Section

Senast uppdaterad30.04.2023 21:54:09, Creator/Last Upload: CICF

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1Ahmad, HarisCAY0Cayman Prep
2Ashdown, JaydenCAY0Cayman International School
3Ashdown, TristanCAY0Cayman International School
4Blackwood, RossCAY0Calvary Baptist Christian Acad
5Dcunha, SivaanaaCAY0St. Ignatiius
6Dimitrova, LiaCAY0Cayman International School
7Franklin, OwenCAY0Cayman International School
8Graham, Dez33100306CAY0Triple C
9Gray, EuanCAY0
10Gunasekaran, SanjithCAY0Redbay Primary School
11Jennings, JonteCAY0Triple C School
12Mcclenaghan, AbbieCAY0Footsteps
13Mircioiu, Alex1200CAY0Cayman International School
14Patil, Anvita NiranjanCAY0First Baptist Christian School
15Shibu, Shri GowriCAY0Triple C