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Spring Rapid 2023 - Open Section

Senast uppdaterad14.06.2023 19:06:25, Creator/Last Upload: CICF

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1Mcdonald, Mike2635682CAN1730
2Shaw, Clifford33100101CAY1723
3Tracey, Shaun419052CAY1586Pci
4Bush, Enfield7404662CAY1210
5Sinton, Luc33100098CAY1094
6Ashdown, Simon33100365CAY0Adult
7Dookhy, Sastry33100349CAY0
8Krupiniewicz, Tomasz33100373CAY0Cayman International School
9Lopez, Elena3513262CUB0
10Martin, Israel33100292CAY0Homeschooled
11Mias, Felicisomo33100276CAY0
12Morgan, Theo33100357CAY0University Of South Florida
13O'rourke, Aidan33100268CAY0
14Moore, John-Henry33100314CAY0