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Last update 27.05.2023 19:16:36, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Michael, Filippov352841ENG812
2Advik, Saxena352860ENG808
3Evan, Guan353269ENG737
4R.A.N Yuvin, Ranasinghe351951ENG704
5Charlotte, Oudet342992ENG703w
6Arthur, Phillips-Minet348329ENG694
7Edmond, Cranfield347263ENG689
8Misha, Gerko353271ENG634
9Zoraiz, Zaid354723ENG570
10Marcelo, Borges354524ENG503
11Navid, Vandal Jamshidi356141ENG454
12Michael, Korytnyak354532ENG406
13Phoebe, Jiang0ENG0w
14Dmitrii, Postavnev346717ENG0
15Rishita, Sharma354831ENG0w
16Ranelle, Yang0ENG0w