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English Seniors Championships 2023: Over 50

Last update 08.05.2023 16:07:28, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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Starting rank list

1GMHebden, Mark L400084ENG2504
2GMArkell, Keith C400270ENG2489
3GMDavies, Nigel R404420ENG2423
4GMWells, Peter K400327ENG2387
5Macfarlane, Donald343402100ENG2339
6FMLewis, Andrew P400955ENG2285
7IMBradbury, Neil H400513ENG2260
8FMDishman, Stephen403024ENG2259
9CMRich, Mark C406724ENG2252
10CMWillmoth, Robert F402540ENG2244
11Byron, Alan M401773ENG2224
12Crocker, Philip J403180ENG2192
13CMJosse, Mark414476ENG2190
14FMThompson, Ian D405205ENG2159
15Mason, Donald J405116ENG2156
16Henderson, David430021ENG2143
17Baer, Bruce L488801ENG2107
18Brett, Andrew R416460ENG2085
19Alldritt, Nigel Re404543ENG2050
20Hill, Jonathan S417963ENG2046
21WIMRegan, Natasha K403067ENG2022
22Ireland, David J413178ENG2015
23Hymer, Barry J452238ENG1985
24Gardiner, Eric D435880ENG1972
25AFMMiller, George I343114090ENG1956
26Mcmahon, Paul408212ENG1950
27Gibbs, Dominic V412090ENG1948
28Wilson, Matthew R423459ENG1908
29Parker, Keith444596ENG1827
30Donnelly, Andrew J472344ENG1826
31Betts, Richard445118ENG1817
32Chantrell, Paul451967ENG1760
33Cole, Graham L431559ENG1741
34Wall, Robert343407234ENG1682
35Tuke, David474924ENG1644
36Singhal, Saket343404545ENG1596
37Homer, Neil S418676ENG1581
38Gunasekera, Asanga466581ENG1506