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Mistrovství ČR žen 2023

Last update 16.05.2023 18:00:48, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 8 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgIRtgNClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2 w-weKrtg+/-
12WGMMovsesian, JuliaCZE223921872222 ŠK Polabiny, z.s.5,522,5001,622032,4
23WIMRichterová, NatašaCZE21912148TJ Ostrava413,7500,982019,6
31WGMPilsová, KarolínaCZE22602266ŠK Slavoj Poruba39,750-1,0620-21,2
45WGMSikorová, OlgaCZE21582138TJ TŽ Třinec28,500-0,7620-15,2
56WIMNovosadová, KristýnaCZE21112129Jezdci Jundrov27,000-0,5220-10,4
69Voříšková, AnnaCZE19491846ŠŠPM Lipky HK1,56,0000,284011,2
711Zelbová, LadaCZE18691807Šachový klub Jičín z.s.1,55,2500,624024,8
84WIMKaňáková, NatálieCZE21672124Interchess z.s.14,000-1,5620-31,2
12Fizerová, LucieCZE18421800Interchess z.s.14,0000,664026,4
108Dvořáková, OlgaCZE19741961VSK Univerzita Brno13,500-0,0620-1,2
1110Hosová, SandraCZE19211767Sokol Buštěhrad13,0000,624024,8
127WFMLhotská, AnnaCZE19832165SK OAZA Praha0,51,750-0,8240-32,8

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)