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مسابقات الفصول الأربعة للشطرنج
ربيع 2023
مجموعة (ب)

FSCT 14th Group B Four Seasons Chess Tournaments Spring 2023

Last update 11.05.2023 13:10:56, Creator/Last Upload: Ahmed-Sharata

Starting rank list of players

2Hussein, Wessam Farhat9219331LBA1749
9Franika, Khaled Mahmoud9200142LBA1720
10Attir, Abdurrahman9201980LBA1627
4Zgeta, Faisal Mohamed9211128LBA1623
5Zarrough, Abdulmotaleb A.9214518LBA1610
7Said, Khalleefah9215344LBA1598
1Arafa, Koni Mohamed9218033LBA1505
8Abuizraybah, Mohammed Salih9215085LBA1479
3Altounsi, Abdulwarith Ali9214500LBA1433
6Hanka, Abdulhamid Sharef9214801LBA1325