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Vezerkepzo IM April 2023

Last update 04.05.2023 15:07:02, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 10

Starting rank list of players

9IMPulpan, Jakub302759CZE2427
8IMTo, Nhat Minh729019HUN2354
3FMJoshua, A P5089646IND2283
4FMHalak, Miklos726400HUN2239
10FMTakacs, Laszlo14918854SVK2233
2FMXie, Felix4308174NZL2227
1WIMIsha, Sharma35006665IND2216
6CMVedant, Nitin Vekhande45073449IND2178
5Shundi, Matias30975239USA2145
7IMFarago, Sandor701190HUN2090