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2023 Welsh Blitz Championship

Last update 23.04.2023 21:24:50, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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Starting rank

1FMKozusek, Daniel349500WLS2238
2IMCamacho Collados, Jose2265427WLS2198
3FMToczek, Grzegorz1106457WLS2139
4CMBullen, Alex1801627WLS2088
5AGMVan Kemenade, Rudy410942WLS2044
6Thomas, James1802020WLS1968
7Jukes, Sam1803182WLS1860
8Rathbone-Jones, Ifan1803859WLS1824
9Scarpignato, Samuele1806408WLS1795
10Macdonald, Duncan1804758WLS1784
11Bani Hani, Madged1806580WLS1735
12Blackmore, Simon1803808WLS1645
13Chung, Ethan Cheung Jing1804278WLS1639
14Bickford, Ben1806190WLS1531
15Enoch, Stuart1806238WLS1511
16Graczyk, Piotr1805410WLS1486
17Belochkin, David1806220WLS1453
18Zheng, Lucas1806327WLS1405
19Prabhu, Vismith1806475WLS1349
20Sharhorodsky, Yaroslav34163913WLS1291
21Enoch, Kristan1806246WLS1111
22Ramzan, Timur1805630WLS1108
23Carpenter, Erich1807285WLS1100
24Davies, Aaron1807293WLS1100
25Cumiskey, Oliver1807269WLS1065
26Graczyk, Daniel1807307WLS0
27Graczyk, Mateusz1805452WLS0