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Frank Hatto Memorial Rapidplay 2023

Last update 22.04.2023 18:40:08, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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Starting rank

1IMCamacho Collados, Jose2265427WLS2340
2FMKozusek, Daniel349500WLS2296
3FMToczek, Grzegorz1106457WLS2153
4FMKett, Tim1801210WLS2108
5Brown, Thomas1801430WLS2104
6AGMVan Kemenade, Rudy410942WLS2040
7CMBullen, Alex1801627WLS1999
8Jukes, Sam1803182WLS1830
9Rathbone-Jones, Ifan1803859WLS1824
10Bani Hani, Madged1806580WLS1735
11Blackmore, Simon1803808WLS1735
12Davies, Callum1806300WLS1734
13Penny, Liam1803956WLS1711
14Hurn, Robert Aj1801929WLS1708
15Fisher, Blake1803298WLS1688
16Smith, Alun1805533WLS1673
17Smith, Ellison1804979WLS1648
18Quinn, Peter1805460WLS1644
19Bickford, Ben1806190WLS1482
20Belochkin, David1806220WLS1453
21Wu, Yuxuan1805029WLS1411
22Zheng, Lucas1806327WLS1405
23Prabhu, Vismith1806475WLS1349
24Hammett, Scott1803948WLS1291
25Kadalarasan Ganesh Balaji, Adhvik1806009WLS1237
26Davies, Rhys1805681WLS1227
27Archibald, McKenzie1807170WLS1208
28Ramzan, Timur1805630WLS1200
29Reid, Curtis Lawson1806335WLS1131
30Enoch, Kristan1806246WLS1111
31Cumiskey, Oliver1807269WLS1065
32Carvey, Bertie1806343WLS1005
33Jenney, Tomos1807145WLS0
34Potter, Cameron1807277WLS0