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Ealing FIDE U1900 April 2023

Last update 23.04.2023 19:48:44, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Al-Nakash, Rami Abdulrazak Hussein4809190IRQ1792
2Obi, Okwose Marc450774ENG1772
3Gajowniczek, Maks343402801ENG1753
4AIMKamath, Raghu416924ENG1731
5Amabile, Domenico2808272ITA1596
6ACMLishoy Gengis Paratazham, Dildarav491462ENG1530
7Anshuman, Ganguly25992813IND1472
8Nargund, Sujan498424ENG1357
9Aryaman, Ganguly25981226IND1255
10Veeturi, Yashvardhan343402496ENG1183