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IRT Final Nacional Absoluto Sub 10 2012 Sub 10 Absoluto

Last update 02.07.2012 18:45:24, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

7Cuevas Sanchez Bramdon DanielCAQ18311831
4Corredor Castellanos CamiloBOG18181818
6Perez Velasco Juan EstebanMET01651
3Martinez Cristian CamiloVAL01640
10Soto Miguel AngelANT01630
5Jaimes Velasquez Simon AndresBOL01612
9Restrepo Borrero MateoVAL01549
1Arboleda Orozco Juan MANT01495
2Beltran Cervantes DanielGUA01368
8Sanabria Hernandez DanielGUA01200