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Satty Zhuldyz (blitz)

Last update 25.04.2023 13:30:33, Creator/Last Upload: Kazakhstan Chess Federation (License 6)

Starting rank list of players

5GMAronian, Levon13300474USA2809
7GMMartirosyan, Haik M.13306553ARM2770
6GMErigaisi, Arjun35009192IND2737
10GMGrischuk, Alexander4126025RUS2727
4GMKramnik, Vladimir4101588RUS2712
3GMKeymer, Vincent12940690GER2651
2GMGelfand, Boris2805677ISR2601
9GMHou, Yifan8602980CHN2601
8GMSindarov, Javokhir14205483UZB2591
11GMVakhidov, Jakhongir14201801UZB2568
12GMLagno, Kateryna14109336RUS2508
1IMAssaubayeva, Bibisara13708694KAZ2440