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2023 National Open Under 10 Chess Championship

Last update 21.04.2023 21:34:06, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Starting rank list

1Clarke, Nia SnowBAR0
2Culpepper, NathanBAR0
3Deviera, YohanBAR0
4Farley, JeremiahBAR0
5Gayle, KymaniBAR0
6Grazette, AkeliBAR0
7Greaves, KhamariBAR0
8Herbert, JaedaBAR0
9Jaikaran, SameeraBAR0
10Mottley, AmeliaBAR0
11Parris, Daisha - RoseBAR0
12Ratteray, JacobBAR0
13Stuart, CharisBAR0
14Toppin, DarrenBAR0
15Wallace, TayariBAR0