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Helyszín: MSSZ – Venue: Hungarian Chess Federation (Falk Miksa Str. 10, Budapest)
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BSSZ One Week GM-A

Senast uppdaterad27.08.2023 15:09:58, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 10

Lista över spelare

2IMDroin, Augustin45105987FRA2463
1GMNagy, Gabor737119HUN2452
4GMNguyen, Huynh Minh Huy12401269VIE2449
10GMBerczes, David722960HUN2440
3IMKaracsonyi, Gellert764620HUN2391
8FMNiedbala, Bartlomiej21834008POL2390
9FMMathieu, Phileas36048410FRA2357
6FMBeukema, Jasper1032984BEL2356
7FMGombocz, Ferenc Jr.775029HUN2324
5FMPaszewski, Mateusz1141058POL2278