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HelyszĂ­n: MSSZ – Venue: Hungarian Chess Federation (Falk Miksa Str. 10, Budapest)
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BSSZ One Week GM-A

Last update 27.08.2023 15:09:58, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 10

Starting rank list of players

2IMDroin, Augustin45105987FRA2463
1GMNagy, Gabor737119HUN2452
4GMNguyen, Huynh Minh Huy12401269VIE2449
10GMBerczes, David722960HUN2440
3IMKaracsonyi, Gellert764620HUN2391
8FMNiedbala, Bartlomiej21834008POL2390
9FMMathieu, Phileas36048410FRA2357
6FMBeukema, Jasper1032984BEL2356
7FMGombocz, Ferenc Jr.775029HUN2324
5FMPaszewski, Mateusz1141058POL2278