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BSSZ One Week U2250

Darrera actualització27.08.2023 14:18:08, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 10

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Rànquing inicial

1FMYamada, Kohei7000936JPN2171
2Kormos, Adam730483HUN2164
3Teglas, Balazs727130HUN2149
4Foldes, Marton Gabor794708HUN2116
5Horvath, Kristof740136HUN2116
6WIMKovacs, Klara733210HUN2115
7Nemeth, Miklos734128HUN2070
8FMKoczo, Kristof723460HUN2019
9IMKahn, Evarth Dr.703257HUN2008
10Suranyi, Pal706060HUN1997
11Gabula, Adam787205HUN1979
12Karacsonyi, Bank795488HUN1976
13Kovacs, Reka790702HUN1943
14AIMKaras, Eugenia463485ENG1939
15Varga, Boldizsar17005205HUN1936
16Pakh, Alex2098091USA1820
17Karacsonyi, Luca781894HUN1810
18Sadbhav, Rautela45073619IND1596