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Eden Trails 2 & 3 Under 8

Last update 14.05.2023 16:32:49, Creator: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 155),Last Upload: George Swart

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Starting rank

1Van Staden, TratonWEG683OUDUSSA Haarlem S/S
2Lamprecht, AneRSA607Hessequa Laerskool Volschenk
3Wyngaard, AdamRSA564Hessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
4Van Staden, EliyasonRSA543George Homeschool
5Van den Berg, TeaganRSA527George George South
6Prins, KaiRSA521Hessequa Panorama Primer
7Wyngaard, LukeRSA516Hessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
8Marner, LoannesRSA515George George Prep
9Galant, HopelinRSA511OUDUSSA
10Lengisi, ThandoRSA508George Holy Cross Primary
11Steyn, LaylaRSA501OUDUSSA
12Basson, MelickRSA500George Denneoord Primary
13Eiliyah, DrudeRSA500Hessequa Voorwaards Primer
14Fredericks, BethanyRSA500George Holy Cross Primary
15Johnson, MonreRSA500Hessequa Voorwaards Primer
16Jordaan, ZoilaRSA500George Holy Cross Primary
17Kemper, CarterRSA500Mossel Bay Curro
18Modupe, LesegoRSA500Mossel Bay Curro
19Morris, JaydonRSA500George Denneoord Primary
20Strydom, LiamRSA500George George South
21Tait, LiamRSA500George Holy Cross Primary
22Van Der Merwe, FinleyRSA500George Holy Cross Primary
23Zinserling, JulianRSA500George Denneoord Primary
24Mitchell, MigaelWEG0Hessequa Hoerskool Heidelberg