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Thailand Youth Chess Championship 2023 U14

Last update 24.04.2023 17:40:44, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich

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Starting rank

1Jiroajvanichakorn, Rathasart6208924THA1358
2Punyanitya, Jirath6207782THA1348
3Gueta, Rafael6207235THA1253
4Chokthitirath, Akararath6208720THA1141
5Charoenpanichsiri, Nichaya6217788THA0
6Deeprasit, NapatTHA0
7Deevisetpunt, Prakun6217290THA0
8Jarikasem, Chanasorn6217729THA0
9Kamnoetnopphalak, Popthorn6217850THA0
10Korkiatphithak, Chayakorn6215769THA0
11Lertsitisak, Harrit6216943THA0
12Limpetcharakul, Nutnapon6215645THA0
13Plodnaimueang, Ueaangkun6218075THA0
14Pongpaibool, Sornthip6217966THA0
15Prasertrattanadacho, Pimteera6215149THA0
16Rakshib, Anawin6218008THA0
17Sermsrisuwan, Bhupah Orlando6217842THA0
18Suksumit, Roman6217737THA0
19Tapanakulsak, Peramin6217095THA0