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Thailand Youth Chess Championship 2023 U16

Last update 21.04.2023 06:51:12, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich

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Starting rank list

1ACMChiravanich, Pathee6207871THA1540
2Tawankanjana, Dhi6206115THA1527
3Jitwichian, Pataradit6209963THA1478
4Wangthumboon, Patawee6208282THA1444
5Pienpoldeesakul, Baimon6214967THA1264
6Dhippayom, Tara6215122THA1237
7Saipetch, Kai6206697THA1200
8Deeprasert, Fauzi6214053THA1185
9Boutson, Poon6211739THA0
10Cheng, Louis6217559THA0
11Kang, Taemin6214282THA0
12Puengrostham, VirunpatTHA0
13Puntuyakorn, Nachapol6216706THA0
14Tairahan, Sorawit6217397THA0
15Udornpim, Tye6213332THA0
16Wutti-Udomlert, Gunn Daniel6215939THA0