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Thailand Youth Chess Championship 2023 G14+G16+G18

Last update 21.04.2023 07:54:44, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich

Starting rank list of players

9WCMPrommuang, Araya6204996THA1639
3Bootsumran, Sirin6206654THA1498
1Kaewwattha, Natrada6212174THA1392
4Saokham, Tethineekanya6204988THA1156
7Mutaya, Chayanit6204651THA1102
6Somthong, Aonuma6210759THA1071
5Laoaraya, Natchanan6215785THA0
2Luttakunaporn, Pichamon6217370THA0
8Sajjapornthep, Varisara6214754THA0
10Volapattavechoti, Walinrumpai6215319THA0