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Tournoi GMI ECAM Lyon 2023

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony28.04.2023 09:48:06, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

6GMFedorchuk, Sergey A.14102536UKR2607
10GMCheng, Bobby4300033AUS2547
8GMPourramezanali, Amirreza12511412IRI2501
9GMVelten, Paul681091FRA2488
7IMSaraci, Nderim6351921KOS2463
4IMBarbot, Pierre663727FRA2442
1IMMilliet, Sophie623725FRA2392
2FMMathieu, Phileas36048410FRA2391
5IMBournel, Antoine26093553FRA2362
3FMLux, Hugo De Melo2138298BRA2322