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Don Bosco Chess Club 7th Anniversary Rapid Tournament 15+ & Open

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.04.2023 23:02:24, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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1Emmanuel, Mwaisumbe63981TAN1702
2Cleophas, Charles21600511TAN1579
3Veer, Gandhi21600155TAN1534
4Christian, Fernandes21601240TAN140815+
5Micheal, Henry113475TAN138415+
6Delbert, Panya125689TAN129715+
7Mikail, Noor Walli132336TAN120015+
8Ethan, MsuyaTAN015+
9Jeff, YouTAN0
10Jonathan, CornetTAN015+
11Lugano, AbelTAN0
12Misambo, KilasaTAN0
13Njovu, KondwelaniTAN0
14Parsa, NaserTAN015+
15Prisha, ChhedaTAN0w15+
16Vivian, ErasmusTAN0
17George, OmithaTAN0