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Tournoi MI ECAM Lyon 2023

Seinast dagført16.04.2023 16:51:25, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

8IMRoshka, Yevgeniy14129558UKR2505
6GMDgebuadze, Alexandre203882BEL2428
9IMMartinovici, Ilia13907034MDA2423
7GMFlear, Glenn C400165ENG2400
3FMBassini, Emile26084074FRA2373
10GMPrie, Eric600172FRA2368
5FMBrailly-Vignal, Bastien658804FRA2320
2FMKuhn, Clement36099775FRA2317
1FMRoux, Baptiste36017450FRA2300
4Ernst, Luca45117055FRA2240