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Cerrado GM Hotel El Aguila Utebo 2012

Last update 23.06.2012 13:43:34, Creator: FEDERACIÓN ARAGONESA DE AJEDREZ (114),Last Upload: FEDERACIÓN ARAGONESA DE AJEDREZ (65)

Starting rank list of players

8GMCuartas Jaime AlexanderCOL2523
4GMKhamrakulov Ibragim SESP2517
7FMAnton Guijarro DavidESP2475
6IMHunt Adam CENG2461
3IMForcen Esteban DanielESP2457
10IMGarza Marco SergioESP2410
5GMPogorelov RuslanUKR2408
2IMAntoli Royo Joaquin MiguelESP2401
9IMDel Rey DiegoESP2390
1FMDucarmon QuintenNED2368