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Last update 24.04.2023 21:02:34, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Round 5 on 2023/04/22 at 18:30

Bo.No.WhiteGrRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackGrRtgNo.
16Panopoulos, Ioannis18344 ½ - ½4 Nemtsas, Hristoforos18228
24Delithanasis, Dimitrios18883 0 - 13 Sideris, Theodoros18189
312Athanasakopoulos, Alexandros16163 ½ - ½3 Samartzis, Mihail18247
413Penesis, Dimitrios15852 ½ - ½ Katsiris, Ioannis19212
514Sehas, Nikolaos15492 - - +2 Tzortzatos, Dimosthenis Panagiot18943
615Mataragkas, Georgios1477 0 - 12 Tamer Waguih, Farid18665
710Deli, Eleanna Ratzvika1745 1 - 0 Megas, Panagiotis G022
816Stavropoulos, Simeon14301 0 - 11 Sideris, Vasilios133318
919Ntovas, Dimitrios12041 0 - 11 Sarsentos, Dimitrios141917
1020Petrosian, Gkakik11921 1 bye 
111Ntounis, Nikos19512 ½ not paired 
1211Proutsalis, Marios Alexandros1696½ 0 not paired 
1321Nikolakis, Konstantinos1091 0 not paired